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Baratheon Halberdiers: A Song Of Ice & Fire

RRP £37.99


House Baratheon’s doctrine of heavy arms and heavier armor serves well to make their force into a walking fortress. Difficult to assault and deadly to ignore, enemies find themselves in a conundrum, particularly against lines incorporating Halberdiers. The traditional weakness against cavalry shared by most infantry is nullified. Further, a cavalry or flanking force that hesitates in their charge against the Baratheon lines opens themselves up to weaknesses that a good commander can exploit. Many creative means of destroying the enemy become available to commanders that employ Halberdiers in their composition.


Weight -
Height -
Length -
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Family: A Song Of Ice and Fire

Publisher: CoolMiniOrNot Inc

Subcategory: Miniatures

Number of Players: 2+

Playing Time: 45-60mins

Age Range: 14+


Release date: 2024-01-19

CoolMiniOrNot Inc

Baratheon Halberdiers: A Song Of Ice & Fire

House Baratheon’s doctrine of heavy arms and heavier armor serves well to make their force into a walking fortress. Difficult to assault and deadly to ignore, enemies find themselves in a conundrum, particularly against lines incorporating Halberdiers. The traditional weakness against cavalry shared by most infantry is nullified. Further, a cavalry or flanking force that hesitates in their charge against the Baratheon lines opens themselves up to weaknesses that a good commander can exploit. Many creative means of destroying the enemy become available to commanders that employ Halberdiers in their composition.
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