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Tangram City

RRP £29.99


Long ago, in a beautiful eastern kingdom, a queen summoned her city planners to build her people magnificent new cities. Tradition calls for harmony between the human and natural realms, with the shape of a rectangle viewed as ideal for building fortification. The city planners set out to build new cities for their queen. Who will build the best city and be rewarded with all the riches of the kingdom?


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Publisher: Capstone Games

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 1-5

Playing Time: 30 mins

Age Range: 8+

Product Code (SKU): CAPTC01

Capstone Games

Tangram City

Long ago, in a beautiful eastern kingdom, a queen summoned her city planners to build her people magnificent new cities. Tradition calls for harmony between the human and natural realms, with the shape of a rectangle viewed as ideal for building fortification. The city planners set out to build new cities for their queen. Who will build the best city and be rewarded with all the riches of the kingdom?
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