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Charcuterie: The Board Game

RRP £39.99


Break out your serving boards, cured meats, and accouterments as you prepare to create a delicious display of eye-catching appetizers in Charcuterie: The Board Game!In Charcuterie: The Board Game 2-6 players take turns drafting delectable food tiles to their boards, carefully considering their arrangements for final presentation!This is the delicious appetizer of a game you've been looking for to serve to all the new or reluctant gamers in your life, while also providing experienced players with a spread of variable goals, recipes, and ways to maximize their boards to win. This makes each game unique and packed with tasty choices.


Weight -
Height -
Length -
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Publisher: Th3rd World Studios

Subcategory: Board Games

Players: 2-6

Age Range: 14+

Publisher Release Date: 2024-09-04


Th3rd World Studios

Charcuterie: The Board Game

Break out your serving boards, cured meats, and accouterments as you prepare to create a delicious display of eye-catching appetizers in Charcuterie: The Board Game!In Charcuterie: The Board Game 2-6 players take turns drafting delectable food tiles to their boards, carefully considering their arrangements for final presentation!This is the delicious appetizer of a game you've been looking for to serve to all the new or reluctant gamers in your life, while also providing experienced players with a spread of variable goals, recipes, and ways to maximize their boards to win. This makes each game unique and packed with tasty choices.
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