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Battlelords of the 23rd Century for Savage Worlds: The Alliance Setting Guide

RRP £33.99


Inside the Alliance, the mega-corporations (aka mega-corps) make everything, own everything, and run everything from behind the scenes. Nearly everyone works for a mega-corp, and they employ armies of corporate mercenaries and spies to enforce their will and wage secret wars against their competitors. Getting hired on as a corporate merc or spy is good pay, but you sign your life away for a contract measured in years. You're expendable and every time you screw up the mega-corps just extend your contract. Want to find out all there is to know about the Battlelords universe and the beings that reside within it? This is the book for you!


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Publisher: 23rd Century Productions

Subcategory: Source Book/Adventure

Product Code (SKU): 23C02003

23rd Century Productions

Battlelords of the 23rd Century for Savage Worlds: The Alliance Setting Guide

Inside the Alliance, the mega-corporations (aka mega-corps) make everything, own everything, and run everything from behind the scenes. Nearly everyone works for a mega-corp, and they employ armies of corporate mercenaries and spies to enforce their will and wage secret wars against their competitors. Getting hired on as a corporate merc or spy is good pay, but you sign your life away for a contract measured in years. You're expendable and every time you screw up the mega-corps just extend your contract. Want to find out all there is to know about the Battlelords universe and the beings that reside within it? This is the book for you!
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