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Critical Role: Obann the Punished Boxed Miniature

RRP £74.99


Obann the Punished rises, a mass of tentacles, teeth and eyes, cursed now with a punished form from the Chained Oblivion. Willing or not, when one serves a Betrayer God, they should make sure they succeed or face their wrath. Standing nearly 6 inches tall this imposing horror is a great foe for any adventuring party. A reminder of the consequences of failure.


Weight -
Height -
Length -
Width -

Family: Critical Role Miniatures

Publisher: Wiz Kids LLC

Subcategory: Miniatures

Players: 1+

Playing Time: 30mins+

Age Range: 14+

Publisher Release Date: 2023-06-28

Product Code (SKU): WZK74273

Wiz Kids LLC

Critical Role: Obann the Punished Boxed Miniature

Obann the Punished rises, a mass of tentacles, teeth and eyes, cursed now with a punished form from the Chained Oblivion. Willing or not, when one serves a Betrayer God, they should make sure they succeed or face their wrath. Standing nearly 6 inches tall this imposing horror is a great foe for any adventuring party. A reminder of the consequences of failure.
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