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Ghosts Love Candy Too

RRP £29.99


It's a little-known fact that ghosts love to eat candy. But they can only eat it one night a year...Halloween! On that night, the ghosts travel through the neighborhood looking for delicious candy. Using their best scare tactics, ghosts will haunt the costumed kiddos to steal their sweet sweet candy. But they have to be careful not to scare them away. Ghosts just want a candy delight, not to cause them a fright.


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Publisher: 25th Century Games

Subcategory: Board Games

Number of Players: 2-6

Playing Time: 20-45mins

Age Range: 8+

SKU: TFC25000

25th Century Games

Ghosts Love Candy Too

It's a little-known fact that ghosts love to eat candy. But they can only eat it one night a year...Halloween! On that night, the ghosts travel through the neighborhood looking for delicious candy. Using their best scare tactics, ghosts will haunt the costumed kiddos to steal their sweet sweet candy. But they have to be careful not to scare them away. Ghosts just want a candy delight, not to cause them a fright.
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